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Design for You

Summary: Since little, Sugar Cohen has been a joke to her hometown. Now in Boston, she lives a relatively normal and happy life doing what she loves: designing. Fate would have it to thrust Jason Marson (a hot, hot, man) into her life again. Seeming to have forgotten about their brief encounter in high school, Sugar believed she dodged the embarrassing bullet. However, after three years, Jason is single again and suddenly he developed an interest in her! With her wacky best friend and coworker, perhaps she’ll be able to finally get her happily ever after?

Author’s Note: Design For You is connected to another book of Sugar Cohen’s best friend. Stay tuned for further details soon! 18+ Audience


“Morning Sugar,” Richard chirped in his usual flamboyant tone and pouted, “rough night?”

“Kinda…couldn’t sleep.” Sugar stifled a yawn. Her whole body felt sluggish and ready to crawl back into bed again. Mondays were never good days.

“Ooh! Was he hot?” Richard wiggled his eyebrows with a sly grin. Sugar sighed, Richard was like a sister she never had, absolutely too gorgeous. “I don’t think we’re on the same wavelength this morning.”

“Dear me, you need to live more, girl!” Richard followed Sugar like an extra shadow as she settled at her desk just outside of Judy’s office. The firm was pretty small but Tom and Judy had their own office facing each other with Eddie and Sugar in-between. Richard’s desk was in the small waiting area separated by a wall. All in all, the little firm was sophisticated and functional.

“I will…maybe…” Sugar grumbled as she went to get her daily dose of tea. Coffee just did not work for her body and her “lose weight” coach had drilled in her the unwanted calories of her favourite mocha latté with chocolate sprinkles. It was the absolute sacrifice from a couple of times a week to once a month.

“You know I have this great friend –” Richard was extra persistent today in trying to set her up. Everybody in the office, once they found out that she was a virgin and

fat before had decided to match her up with any relation of a relation as though she could not possibly be happy without a lover. She should never have talked with Jaz on the phone in the office during lunch break. Jaz only cracked up and immediately became email buddies with Richard. Their next ‘setting up my friend’ plan was starting to escalate another level of stress on her.

“Richard, please…” Sugar pouted and tried blinking her lashes repeatedly like those window shutters. She knew Richard would crack at her expression and he did.

“Oh alright! You know I can’t do anything when you act all cutesy.” Richard pinched her cheek and skipped away from the coffee room, not before dropping a dreaded bomb, “Mr. 5K moved the meeting to 10 am.”

Sugar stuttered a “What?” Luckily, she was not holding her cup of tea.

“Judy said she’ll let you take care of it. She can’t make it back on time from the Jefferson’s site.” Sugar flopped her mouth like a fish and tried to calculate the time she has left to prepare.

“You have 30 minutes to prepare. Don’t worry Sugar you have all the materials at your disposal. Holler if you need anything! Ta!”

Sugar snapped out of her stupor and did just that, “Richard!”

Available in online bookstores: iBooks, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, etc.

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